Thursday, July 2, 2009

20 Questions Tag

This tag looks like a lot of fun and they're really cool to read so I'm going to do it too!

1. Things you cannot leave the house without:
My wallet which holds my money and cards. You never know when you'll find something you just have to buy.

2. Favourite brand of makeup:
I love lots of makeup brands but I would have to say MAC, Lancome, and Dior.

3. Favourite flower:
Roses. In either pink, red, or white. They are so pretty and the most romantic flower there is.

4. Favorite clothing store:
I love Guess and Marciano because they have such unique clothing styles that you couldn't really find anywhere else for a cheaper price.

5. Favorite Perfume:
Would have to be MADAME by Jean Paul Gaultier. The smell is fresh yet musky and very sexy and romantic. And Jean Paul Gaultier is obviously french. I am too! That perfume was made for me :)

6. Heels or Flats:
To be honest, I LOVE walking in heels and I've never had a problem with being able to wear them. The only thing that's ever stopped me is my height. That's right, I'm 5'8 and I really don't need the extra height. I find it so fun to walk in heels but I never wear them for fear of towering over everyone. So, it's flats for me. The best looking shoes always have a little bit of a heal at least. I don't mind wearing a small heel sometimes, just as long as I'm not towering over everyone.

7. Do you make good grades:
If it's a subject I don't like very much, I'll tend to slack off. When I enjoy it, I usually do make good grades. Thank god next year I've picked all the subjects I like and dropped all the ones I hate.

8. Favorite colours:
I love all colours. I find it really depressing to wear all neutral colours (especially in the summer). I would have to say my favorite colour is pink or lavender because they are not too loud when you wear them, but they still add a bit of life to your outfit.

9. Do you drink energy drinks:
Not really. I'm not all that crazy for the taste of them and I feel their just empty calories. I would rather have a latte or something that actually tastes good to get my energy up.

10. Do you drink juice:
Not very often. I tend to eat very healthy and usually juice contains the same amount of sugar as a can of coke.

11. Do you like swimming:
I love to swim, but it has to be somewhere clean like a pool or the ocean. But I will not swim in a bottemless, cold, dirty lake. God knows what's in there.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork:
No, that just looks weird. Unless it's poutine which is really messy. Then I will use a fork.

13. Favourite moisturiser:

Body: Cocoa Butter Body Butter.
Face: Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life:
Yeah, I really want to get married later on in life. I'm a hopeless romantic. The dress and the ring are are both pluses too! :)

15. Do you get mad easily:
Mostly when I'm around my family. They can be really bad, even though I love them so much. When I get annoyed at them it makes me frustrated and then mad. Don't get me wrong, I don't get annoyed by little things. It's usually when they're trying to annoy me on purpose that I get mad. This is why I don't get mad at my friends, because they don't try to annoy me.

16. Are you into ghost hunting:
lmao! Sorry, that's not something I'm really into. I don't think ghosts are real. And even if they were real, I don't think we would be able to see them or even hunt them...

17. Any phobias:
I'm claustrophobic, which means I do not like being in really small spaces. It makes feel like I can't breath and that I won't be able to get out of the space. Little rooms don't scare me. When I say small, I mean places like a freezer or some kind of tube, or a box of some kind.

18. Do you bite your nails:
Only when I'm really nervous.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience:
Well, I've almost been hit by a few cars multiple times if that counts.. Usually I don't watch where I'm going. Yeah, I'm a clutz.

20. Do you drink coffee:
Sometimes I'll drink a latte or a cappuccino. It has to be sweet. I will never order a regular coffee, but if I happen to get one, I will put in a ton of sugar and milk.


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